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Carved wooden umbrella stand. circle and iamond design on top border-scalloped cross supports and spiral legs.







This large frame house was one of the early licensed boarding houses for students. Boarding houses like this precluded the need for University dormitories initially. The house was built by Dr. DuBose for his sister-in-law Mrs. McNeely (Mattice)…

Wade House001.jpg
This house stood where the west wing of Gailor Hall is now. It was built by Dr. Richardson on the lease in his wife's name, Sally Richardson. Dr. Richardson was a pharmacist and was called doctor by everybody. He ran a soft drink shop in part of his…

Wade House003.jpg
This house stood where the west wing of Gailor Hall is now. It was built by Dr. Richardson on the lease in his wife's name, Sally Richardson. Dr. Richardson was a pharmacist and was called doctor by everybody. He ran a soft drink shop in part of his…
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