Sewanee Realty

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In 1923, L.R. Riley of Riley's Livery built a residence next door that still stands. Following Mrs. Riley's death, their daughter Nellie May Riley inherited the house in 1948. Later it changed hands and was owned by Mr. and Mrs. Otis Haley.  Mary Haley was a seamstress and people brought clothes to be worked on to her house.  In 1991 the residence was purchased by Shirley Tate who opened Tate Realty there.  In 2008 Margaret Donohue Orr purchased the building and opened Sewanee Realty which continues to this day, though Ms. Donohue is now deceased and Patsy Truslow who worked with her is now in charge.

Photo courtesy of Mary O'Neill

Sewanee Realty