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This house was built across the road from the Sewanee Military Academy by a Dr. Vaughan of Mississippi. It was on the lot where Mrs. Jackson's house is now. Dr. Vaughan sold it in 1869 to a Mr. W. P. Redwood. From then on it was known as the…

This house was on the site of Benedict Hall. R.W.B Elliott is the first name on the lease and he may have built it.

Mr M.M. Benton, who was a Proctor-a salaried position for an in the early days lived there. First Mrs A.C. Hall, a friend of Mrs.…

Built by a family who had returned from France, this house was known for its elegant appearance and gilded chairs. Unfortunately, the name of this original family is unknown. In 1909, Benjamin L. Coulson purchased the home. Following the death of…

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