Browse Items (498 total)

Bishop William Alexander Guerry (1909-1928) was its first notable owner. Guerry, a graduate from the University and School of Theology in the 1880s, served as University chaplain from 1893 to 1907. Upon his election as bishop coadjutor and then as…

Bishop William Alexander Guerry (1909-1928) was its first notable owner. Guerry, a graduate from the University and School of Theology in the 1880s, served as University chaplain from 1893 to 1907. Upon his election as bishop coadjutor and then as…

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This house was on Alabama Avenue, the third house from the corner where McCrady Hall is now. This lease was taken in 1870 by a Mrs. Louisa Rowland. Apparently she didn't live here long. In 1873 Mrs. E. M. Anderson had the lease. Mrs. Anderson was…

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This house stood opposite Palmetto on the hill and was a large frame house, one of many built originally by Mr. Hayes. It was east of the present Gailor Hall and situated facing west. Dr. C. L. C. Minor, who was master of Grammar School and professor…

Once was residence of Reverend Doctor George Myers and wife Margaret. They operated the Bairnwick School her from 1928 to 1948. In 1970, they donated the house to the university. It later was used as the French House and held the Education for…

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The Lovell home, “Sunnyside,” was built in 1870 by H.N. Caldwell, the town druggist. The house served as his primary residence while the cottage next door (Miller House) was where he operated the “Book Store and Pharmacy.” In August of 1873 the lease…

The home on University Avenue, Sewanee, now occupied by the Hospitality shop is one of the older homes on the domain. The Rev. Mr. Philip Werlein has many happy memoiries of visits to his Grand-Mother in this home, built in 1891? "IDLEWILD" was the…

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"This cottage was built on a location south of the Chapel. Dr. DuBose was made Chaplain the summer of 1871. He spent the rest of the year rounding up students in South Carolina dn bringing them back with him to Sewanee. In March, 1872, he built the…

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Mrs. Elizabeth Polk, a relative of Bishop Polk, built this large house in 1871 as a boarding house for students. It stood to the south of the present McCrady Hall on the west side, of Alabama Avenue.

“Next comes widow Polk, a distant cousin of our…

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This house stood on the west side of University Avenue where the Corley house is now, next to Tuckaway. It was built by Mrs. Field Dunbar. The September 1873, University Record noted, "Mrs. Dunbar's handsome cottage home has been completed." It…
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